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Igniting Dearie
Igniting Dearie Read online
Igniting Dearie
Copyright Jazmine Devyne July 2012
Published by Jazmine Devyne
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Igniting Dearie is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or places, events or locales is coincidental. These characters are purely of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
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Editing by Jen Hart
Copy editing by Brenda Huntsman
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Chapter 1
It was nearly noon when Dearie came to a sudden halt outside of Allure, the bar and grill where she was supposed to meet her friend, Belle. She wouldn’t be nervous at all if Belle was the only one she would be having lunch with. But somehow, Belle talked her into coming to the Saturday munch that her group of friends held the first of every month. The munch was a safe and social gathering of like-minded people that were interested in kink and the BDSM lifestyle. She wouldn’t be in this predicament if she had kept her mouth shut when Belle was talking once again, about her Master, Devlin. Belle met him at the munch six months ago and they had been nearly inseparable since. In fact, Belle informed Dearie this morning that her Master asked her to move in with him. Dearie had to admit, while she was happy for her best friend and roommate, she was sad that Belle was moving out. That was yet another reason she agreed to come to the munch this time. If she enjoyed it, it would be another way she could spend time with her best friend now that they would be living apart. It also couldn’t hurt for her to start making new friends and who knows, maybe she would find her own special someone.
If truth be known, Dearie was keenly interested in the lifestyle her friend was so fond of. Her boyfriend Dirk had broken up with her, stating he was bored with their relationship and sex life. Although it stung to admit it, she had also been bored with their routine of sex with the lights off, in the same few positions, with nothing new in the horizon. Her shyness was holding her back. Dirk hadn’t tried to coax her out of her shell. He was nearly as boring and shy as she was. Now, Dearie was dying to try something new.
Dearie needed a real man. A manly man that wasn’t afraid of being in control. One that thrived in a position of dominance that would help her blossom the way Belle’s Master did for her. Belle was no longer a shrinking violet. Devlin had taken her under his wing and Belle progressed from caterpillar to a beautiful, confident butterfly in a matter of weeks. The difference in her was lovely to see. Before that, Belle had always been a sweet, meek and soft spoken young woman. Now, she was so bright and happy. Her Master not only made her see her worth, but he molded and shaped her into a stunning, vibrant, albeit sexually exuberant darling.
Dearie wanted that.
Looking down at her chocolate brown sweater dress that reached just over the tops of her suede boots, clinging to every ample curve she had, Dearie nearly turned around and went home. She wasn’t one to dress in revealing apparel, nor did she own a single item of clothing that was leather, like Belle had a fondness for wearing. She was going to stick out like a sore thumb. But as she turned to leave, she heard a joyful shriek and found herself wrapped up against her best girlfriend in a tight hug.
“Oh, Dearie! I’m so glad you came. I was afraid you would chicken out and stay home.” Belle kissed her cheeks and took her hand, tugging her into bar.
“Master Devlin is already here, along with several others. He just texted me to make sure I was on my way. One of his friends—you know the guy I was telling you about, Slate—well he’s here already. He’s waiting to meet you and he is a dish, Dearie! You’ll see what I mean when you meet him.”
Still, Dearie hadn’t said a word, merely giggling at her friend’s excitement while trying to calm her pounding heart. Belle quickly weaved them through the tables until they reached the back of the bar where there was a room off to the side for private parties. There was a long table that filled most of the space, and it had several people already seated, and others standing around it talking. Devlin was at the head of the table and to his right side was the sexiest man Dearie had ever seen. His long, jet black, straight as a board hair reached the middle of his back.
“See Dearie, I told you Slate’s a dish. You’re already staring, you bad girl.” Belle’s laughter had Dearie blushing ten shades of red and jerking her head towards her friend with a gasp.
“I wasn’t staring Belle, I was just looking around—don’t embarrass me in the first five minutes or I’m high-tailing it out of here,” she huffed, trying not to look over at Slate again.
“Oh you—stop being so uptight and live a little. That’s why you wanted to come, right? To live a little, have some fun, let your hair down, and get a spanking…” Belle’s girlish giggles were smothered with a kiss from Devlin.
“Are you being bad already, Belle?” Devlin looked at her sternly, but everyone could see the love in his eyes when he looked at Belle.
“No sir, I wouldn’t dare. I’m your good girl, remember?” Belle gave him a sweet smile and kissed his jaw.
“Then behave like a good girl and introduce your friend so we can sit down to eat. I’m starving to death.” He smacked her bottom, grinning when she yelped in surprise.
Gathering her wits she took Dearie’s hand in hers. “Everyone, this is my best friend Dearie Morgan. This is her first time attending a munch, so be on your best behavior so you don’t scare her off. That means no spanking her or pinching her under the table unless she’s asked for it.”
Dearie’s face turned a bright shade of red, nearly as red as her hair, but she couldn’t help but smile at everyone and wave. “It’s nice to meet all of you. Thank you for allowing me to join you today.”
Turning to her friend she whispered in her ear, “If Devlin doesn’t bust your ass for teasing me, I will, you freaking brat!”
Devlin was close enough that he heard the exchange and laughed. “Dearie darling, you are quite welcome to stop by the house afterwards and pick any of my paddles to swat her with. I would like very much to see that.” He winked at her and pulled out the chair next to him for Belle to sit down, pushing her in close to the table to make sure she was comfortable.
Dearie smiled at Devlin, thinking to herself that it might be a good idea to do just that when she realized the seat next to Belle was taken. She looked around; nerves kicking into high gear when she noticed most of the seats had filled already. As if sensing her inner turmoil, Devlin motioned over to the empty chair next to his friend. “Dearie, come over here and sit by my buddy, Slate
. I promise, he won’t bite—unless you ask for it.”
Slate stood up and winked at her, pulling the chair out, waiting for her to sit before he sat back down. Looking over at her, he leaned close enough so only she could hear the deep timbre of his voice, “I do bite Dearie, I like to spank too, but only if you beg me for it first.” He gave her a sexy smile and lifted his hand as the waitress walked by the room. Dearie inhaled sharply, causing her to cough. He patted her back in a soothing motion, a cocky smile on his face showed his pleasure from teasing her.
“Do you like red wine, Dearie?”
She blinked her eyes, still breathless from his saying he liked to bite and spank, “I…I… um, yes. Thank you, Slate.”
“A glass of red wine for the lady, and I’ll take a scotch on the rocks please.” Slate gave the waitress a winning smile as she took their drink orders and passed out menus.
Dearie smiled when she saw the waitress move on to her friends. She listened as Devlin ordered Belle her favorite drink, a slow gin fizz, and a gin and tonic for himself. It made her happy, that Belle had found a man who did the little things for her, the way her Master did. It also stirred a longing within Dearie, to have someone who would take the time to learn her wants, needs and favorite things like that.
Slate must have noticed her looking longingly as she watched her friend. He spoke in a low voice to her, his hand now rubbing a gentle but firm circle on her lower back. “Those two have been good for each other haven’t they?”
She turned her head and smiled at him, “Yes, I think if two people can be perfect for each other, it’s those two.”
“That’s how it should be when a man finds his mate. They should be so in tune with each other that even when they are around others, the world just kind of falls away when they are side by side. Look at the way she stares into his eyes, she’s completely enamored. And him, well you can tell just by the way he smiles at her that he’s head over heels. They barely even realize there are other people in the room with them, they are so focused on each other.” His fingers were gently rubbing the tension from her back, traveling up the center and delving underneath her fiery red curls to massage the nape of her neck.
Dearie was practically purring, arching a bit against his hand as she nodded in agreement. “Is it not strange to know that she calls him ‘Master’ and he considers her his submissive? Maybe I’m a little old fashioned, but it almost makes me think he doesn’t respect her if he thinks she is beneath him. I guess this whole Dominant/submissive thing is still so new to me it can be confusing.” She couldn’t believe she felt comfortable enough to talk about this with a complete stranger, but something about Slate made her feel safe and secure.
The corner of his mouth tilted up in a half smile, his fingers caressing across her back from shoulder to shoulder. “Actually, when a woman submits to a man, she’s giving him the greatest of gifts—her trust. It’s not easy to give of yourself so completely. I think a submissive woman has to be a truly strong woman and her Dominant has to be a strong, wise man. One that knows how to appreciate the gift she has given to him. He should do everything in his power to mold and shape her, help her reach her goals and be the best she can be.”
“I never thought of it that way. I assumed with all the kneeling, spanking, punishments and pain, that it was a guy getting his kicks demoralizing a woman. At least that’s what I thought before I saw how Belle blossomed under the care of Devlin. She’s so happy, so in love. So I figured it must not be too bad or she wouldn’t be fulfilled.”
Slate started to respond but the waitress came by to serve their drinks and take their orders. Dearie hadn’t even opened her menu at that point so she quickly did so and started scanning it while the others began ordering. “I’ve never been here before. What’s good Belle?”
Her friend smiled and leaned over towards her a bit, “Everything is good, especially the fried stuff and the steaks.”
Laughing, Dearie rolled her eyes and gestured to her own figure, “Like I need red meat or anything fried. I think I’ll settle for the chef salad and soup of the day.”
She was surprised when Slate growled, raking his fingertips down her back and pinched the curve of her bottom. “Why don’t you let me order for you, Dearie, since I own the place, I think I know what’s good.”
“Oh, Belle didn’t tell me you’re the owner…” she blushed, feeling chastised from the pinch, wanting to reprimand him for having the nerve to do that after just meeting. But secretly she was hoping he hadn’t been offended by her mention of not wanting fattening foods from his establishment.
He didn’t wait for a yes or no from her when the waitress came up to them with a smile. “Do you want your usual, Slate?”
“No Tricia, I want two sirloin steak dinners—medium, with baked potatoes, steamed veggies and a salad with vinaigrette dressing on the side. All the appetizers are on the house, we’ll take the spinach artichoke dip with pita chips and shrimp cocktail—enough for the entire table.”
That mention brought cheers from everyone and thankfully, broke the moment of tension.
Dearie was itching to rub the sore spot on her bottom, but at this point, she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing it smarted. Instead, she decided to go for a more snarky approach. “Did you not hear what Belle said when she introduced me? No spanking or pinching unless I ask for it. You already broke a rule by pinching me. Are you trying to scare me off?”
The sinister grin he gave her sent shivers down her spine. He wasn’t traditionally handsome. Slate was dark and brooding. His chocolate eyes with their flecks of gold drew her in until he was so close she could feel his breath warm her cheek. “Dearie darling, you asked for it. You may not have been vocal, but everything about you and your sexy body deserved that pinch. You dare act as if your curves aren’t gorgeous…you deserved that pinch and more, Dearie. In fact, if you belonged to me, your punishment would include much more than one mere pinch.”
Dearie gasped, feeling her heart fluttering up into her throat, flames of embarrassment and arousal turning her cheeks pink. Picking up her glass she took a sip of the wine, letting the smoothness of it calm her nerves a bit before she spoke. “How dare you…” The mention of belonging to him shouldn’t have sent a rush of heat between her thighs, but it did. Enough so that she squirmed to rub her thighs together, catching her lip between her teeth.
“Dare me? Dare me, sweet Dearie?” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I just gave you a compliment on your luscious body and even that, you take offense for? I fear we’re getting off on the wrong foot.”
She took a deep breath, his scent surrounding her in the most intoxicating way. It was a mixture of Sandalwood, fresh lime, mint and a hint of something else…peppery. Whatever it was, it had her wanting to nuzzle her face against his neck and lick his skin. The thought of it sent a new rush of heat to her cheeks and she looked away, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“What are you thinking of, Dearie?” His breath tickled her ear, sending goose bumps rushing along her skin. “What’s making it so hard for you to be still in your seat?”
Dearie breathed a sigh of relief when Belle spoke up, “Dearie do you have any plans after lunch? I need to do a little shopping for new clothes and was hoping you would come with me.”
Ignoring Slate, she replied, “I don’t have any plans. I’d love to go, Belle. I’ve been wanting to find a few new dresses. This would be the perfect time.”
Chapter 2
“Since the girls are going shopping for dresses, I think we should take them upstairs to Nightwatch tonight Devlin. Have a few drinks, dance a little. What do you think?” Slate gave his friend a conspiratorial wink.
“Sounds like a good plan my friend.” Devlin eyed Dearie curiously, “What do you think Dearie? Up for an introduction into the kinkier side of life?”
Dearie felt her body flush with a rush of desire and a hint of shyness. This could be the bit of excitement she had been looking for and missing in
her life. With the most dark and gorgeous man she had ever seen none the less. But could she do it without being red faced the entire time and embarrassing herself by chickening out?
Rolling her shoulders back and tossing her fiery curls over her shoulder, she gave Devlin a saucy grin. “I think a night out on the dark side is just what I need. I’m in.”
She couldn’t help but laugh when Belle squealed, clapping her hands together and literally bouncing in her seat. “I can’t wait! This is going to be so much fun.”
Dearie hadn’t been brave enough to look Slate in the eye, but the rough squeeze of his hand on her thigh had her eyes turning immediately to his.
Slate leaned so close that his warm breath tickled over her ear, his words so soft, only she could hear him. “I’m very pleased you’re allowing me to be your escort tonight, Dearie. I promise I’ll make sure it’s a night you will never forget.” His lips brushed over the soft lobe of her ear and she couldn’t help but rub her thighs together. He chuckled, squeezing her thigh once more, releasing it as the food was delivered to the table.
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this, Belle. I feel so fat in this thing.”
Dearie was shimmying into the tight fitting little black bondage dress, still not quite sure her curves needed to be on display like they were at this very moment.
“Oh stop it Dearie, you aren’t fat. You look like a redheaded Marilyn Monroe. I wish I had curves in all the right places like you do. I look like a twig with no boobs. Yours are just perfect. Bitch.” Belle laughed and swatted her friend’s rear.
“Bitch—please! I have never been a twig, but I have dreamed of it. My boobs are fabulous though aren’t they?” Laughing, she cupped them and turned around in front of the mirror, trying to see herself through her friend’s eyes. Maybe she wasn’t so fat after all. She did look like she was poured into this dress. Slate didn’t seem to mind her curves since he couldn’t stop touching her during lunch. His hand was either on her thigh, toying with her hair or gently massaging her lower back while they talked. It had taken everything in her to not be squirming the entire time.